At Crosstek, we provide engineering and scientific expertise and full-scale solutions for Science & Technology, Perimeter Security and Defense. Our team of engineers and scientist build and support a variety of platforms for our clients. We set projects and programs in motion through full-scale development, delivery and support within our Industries of Expertise.
Sensor Integration
From remote-sensing to in-situ geophysical data collection, to geologic site characterization, our integrated applications span the globe in purpose and platform. We deliver projects in support of real-time monitoring for a variety of applications including, test bed design, sensor creation, testing and implementation, and site characterization.
System Integration
From mobile to desktop applications, Crosstek provides consulting and development expertise for the integration of systems and subsystems to provide optimal performance and functionality.
Full-Scale Testing and Implementation
Our team of engineers and scientists take a holistic approach to creating and delivering rapid, effective solutions that support Government and Commercial clients. Our approach is to field an initial operating capability quickly and cycle through the process until the product is ready for full-scale testing and fielding. Throughout this process, we maintain a key focus on engaging our stakeholders, in order to identify critical path items, implement full-scale testing, provide product support and field fully operational systems through out the life-cycle of the program.